Voices From the Holy Land — an excellent source of information about documentary films about Israel/Palestine.

Voices from the Holy Land (VFHL) has held nearly 150 public screenings of documentary films about Israel/Palestine since its inception in 2015. Currently it has switched to online screenings and discussions as part of its Online Film Salon. VFHL screenings have been shown under the sponsorship of a multitude of religious and human rights groups. It’s main website is located HERE. And the site’s excellent annotated list of selected documentary films can be found under “Selected Documentary Films” under its “Resource” directory which is HERE.
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP-Boston) has a great film lending library
Like VFHL, the Boston Chapter of JVP also has a great collection of films. Further it allows for borrowing of its copies of films at no cost. Take a look at the offerings of the JVP-Boston film library on this LIST.
Palestine Portal has many good resources, including an annotated listing of films related to Israel/Palestine.

Go to the Palestine Portal for its list of film resources. Here is the LINK.
Some Free Online Streaming Films:
The following is a 12-minute TED Talk by Anna Baltzer, a Jewish American who volunteered in Palestine:
The following is a link to Just Vision’s series of films about an area of East Jerusalem where Israeli settlers are seizing private Palestinian homes. The series is called “Home Front”. Begin with the film with maps to place the location in context and then view the remaining four 6 to 9 minute films in any order. Each one focuses on the experience of a different person:
The following film entitled “Thank God It’s Friday” which is about the weekly Friday protest in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh where the villagers attempt to walk to the spring that the neighboring Israeli settlement has seized. The filmmakers interview the villagers and the settlers to understand each side’s perspective of Friday.
The following film is the 45-minute version of “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States. The narrator is Roger Waters of Pink Floyd (longer versions are available at: https://www.occupationmovie.org/):